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Residence Permit for Digital Nomads in Italy from Non-EU Countries

Posted on August 8th, 2024

by Adriana ruiz

Italy, embracing the modern work culture of digital nomads, has introduced a comprehensive set of rules for non-EU digital nomads seeking to enter the Italian landscape. The interministerial decree, a testament to Italy’s progressive stance, offers a detailed guide for these skilled individuals who blend the art of living with the science of remote working.

Digital Nomads: Entry Rules for Non-EU Workers in Italy

Published in the Official Journal No. 79 on April 4, 2024, the interministerial decree outlines the rules for entry and stay in Italy for non-EU digital nomads.

These are non-EU workers who are highly skilled in smart working, utilizing technological tools to work remotely.

The law defines the procedures and requirements for entry and the issuance of a residence permit, as well as the categories of workers who fall under the definition of a digital nomad.

It implements the provisions of the Act of Conversion of the Decree Sostegni Ter (Article 6-quinquies of Legislative Decree No. 4/2022), which legally established the framework for digital nomads by amending Article 27 of the Consolidated Act on Immigration (Legislative Decree No. 286/1998).

To enter as digital nomads, neither the temporary nulla osta nor the work nulla osta is required.

As indicated in Article 3 of the Decree, entry and residence are permitted for workers who possess:

A minimum annual income not less than three times the minimum level required for exemption from health expenditure participation;
• Health insurance for medical treatment and hospital admission, valid for the national territory and the duration of the stay;
• Documentation of accommodation arrangements;
• At least 6 months of prior experience in the field of remote work;
• An employment or cooperation contract, or its binding offer.

If all requirements are met, a residence permit valid for one year and renewable is issued.

Digital Nomads: Applying for the Residence Permit

The residence permit must be requested directly from the police headquarters in the province where the worker is located, within eight working days of entering the country.

The document will be labeled “digital nomad – remote worker.”

The permit may be revoked if the necessary requirements are not maintained or if the employer has been convicted in the last five years of offenses referred to in Article 22, Paragraph 5a of the Consolidated Act.

Digital nomads who obtain a residence permit may also be joined by family members, who will receive a visa of the same duration as the worker.

Upon issuance of the residence permit, the tax code (Codice Fiscale) is also generated and communicated.

As a final step, digital nomads must also apply for a VAT number (Partita IVA).


For further details, please refer to the full text of the Interministerial Decree of February 29, 2024.

For assistance and advice on obtaining a visa and residence permit for “digital nomad – remote worker,” please send an email to [email protected].


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