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How to Convert a Study Permit / Waiting for job into a Self-Employed Permit | Italy

Posted on August 4th, 2024

by Expat Living in Rome

The residence permit issued for study, internship, training, or waiting for job can now be converted into a permit for self-employed work at any time of the year, thanks to the legislative decree known as “Legge Cutro”.

(DL 20 march n. 23, converted in Legge 5 may 2023 n. 50)

The conversion of the residence permit from study/waiting for job to Self-Employment is possible only if the permit is still valid and has not expired.

The request for conversion can be made even before the end of the course of studies, if you attend university (degree courses, master’s degree or doctorate of research) or if you are already adult on arrival in Italy. In the case of internship or Professional Course or Formation, conversion is possible only after completion.

Requirements for conversion to Self-Employment:

Residence permit issued for study or waiting for job in the course of validity.
Tax identification number (Codice Fiscale).
Rental Property Contract with Proof of Registration at Agenzia delle Entrate
Italian Electronic Identity Card (CIE).
Certificate (Degree, Master, Specialization, Doctorate, Traineeship Certificate or training course) recognized by the State.
Registration at the competent professional register/licence if necessary.
Certificate/Declaration proving the possession of an annual income from lawful sources (ex. tax return, bank guarantee, balance statement), of an amount exceeding the minimum level laid down by law for exemption from participation in healthcare expenditure (euro 8500,00).
Declaration of the financial parameters, the amount of the minimum economic resources needed to start the activity indicated.
Certificate of Partita IVA.
Membership in the INPS social security fund.
E-mail Address & Pec Email
Housing elegibility issued by the Municipality (RIA).

To convert the study/waiting fot job permit the holder must:

Access (using CIE) the portal of the Ministry of the Interior “Sportello Unico per l’Immigrazione”
•  Fill out the Z2 form, attach all required documents and send the application telematically.
•  At the end of the verification of the application, in the event of a successful outcome, the applicant will receive the clearance (Nulla Osta) through PEC.
The clearance must be handed over to the immigration office to complete the procedure and obtain the residence permit for self-employment.

The “Self-employment” permit has a maximum duration of 2 years and allows the holder to work as a Self-employed.

If you need assistance with this schedule a free call with us at [email protected]

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