The municipal rose garden is open to the public until 14 June 2020!
Due to the health emergency, new rules must be followed for visiting the garden from Tuesday to Sunday, from 08.30 to 19.30.
Access will be limited to the entrance and visitors must scrupulously comply with the rules given by the DPCM of 4 May 2020.
In particular, visitors of the Rose Garden are required to comply with the use of the masks and gloves as well as respect the social distancing of at least one meter. The municipal rose garden is expected to close at the end of the rose season on June 14, 2020.
You can visit and admire the blooms of its more than 1,000 varieties of roses from Tuesday to Sunday, from 08.30 to 19.30 and the ENTRANCE IS FREE!!!
The Rose garden is located within the walking distance from Circo Massimo metro station – Via di Valle Murcia, 6!
The park was established in 1931. Over 1100 varieties of roses are ready to bloom there, many of them gifts from countries around the world. It is one of the most prestigious botanical collections of roses in the world, which allows us to trace the history and evolution of the rose from antiquity to the present day. The cultivated specimens come from the Far East up to South Africa, from Old Europe up to New Zealand, passing through the Americas. There are primordial species (botanical roses) that date back to 40 million years ago, very precious and little known, together with ancient roses, all of great originality and beauty.
The Rome Rose Garden covers 10,000 m square and each section has rose varieties characteristic of, or grown in, the respective variety. The park also has an experimental section where new varieties of roses are tested for their suitability for public and private gardens in Italy.
The rose garden can be visited by people with disabilities as well. Small dogs are allowed on a leash.
For information and reservations, you can contact the Municipal Rose Garden directly by phone 06 574 6810 or by e-mail at [email protected]