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Villa Borghese: Solidarity Run Saturday 29 February

Posted on January 22nd, 2020

by Expat Living in Rome

Villa Borghese: The Solidarity Run is a marathon for everyone.

Villa Borghese: Solidarity Run Saturday 29 February 7

On Saturday 29 February 2020, at 3.00 pm, in Piazzale del Pincio in Villa Borghese in Rome, ACSI, with the technical organization of ACSI Italia Atletica, organizes the first edition of the Solidarity Run, a non-competitive running event with a distance of 1.5 km.

The Solidarity Run, Municipality of Rome and the Lazio Region, was born with the aim of raising funds for the non-profit organizations participating in the initiative. The registration fee (10 euros) will go to 50% for organizational expenses, and 50% to finance non-profit projects.

The event will be organized in a very simple way with the possibility for everyone to be able to spend a fun day in the name of solidarity. Precisely for this reason there will not be a shirt dedicated to the event, but ACSI will also make gadgets available in line with the objectives of sustainable development of the UN 2030 agenda. The same thing will happen with the participation medal that will be distributed to all those who cross the finish line.

Meeting in Piazzale del Pincio at 12.00pm. The departure, set at 15.00.


FACEBOOK PAGE: Solidarity Run

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